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# -*- coding: cp936 -*-#A Test to Return a AES-File of a Common Filefrom Crypto.Cipher import AESfrom Crypto import Randomimport binasciidef AES_File(fs): key = b'1234567890!@#$%^' #16-bytes password iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size) cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) print 'if fs is a multiple of 16...' #if fs is a multiple of 16 x = len(fs) % 16 print 'fs的长度是: ', len(fs) print 'The num to padded is : ', x if x != 0: fs_pad = fs + '0'*(16 - x) #It shoud be 16-x not print 'fs_pad is : ', fs_pad print len(fs_pad) print len(fs_pad)%16 msg = iv + cipher.encrypt(fs_pad) print 'File after AES is like...', binascii.b2a_hex(msg[:10]) return msg#Create a Test Src File and Get FileSteamfs = open('test', 'w+')fs.write('啊,我爱你,我的祖国!')fs.write('凌晨三时开始进攻!')fs.seek(0,0)fs_msg = fs.read()print fs_msgfs.close()#Crypt Src FileStreamfc = open('fc', 'wb')fc_msg = AES_File(fs_msg)fc.writelines(fc_msg)fc.close()raw_input('Enter for Exit...')pycrypto加密文件